
We live in a world, where influence has taken its toll on everyone.

Paid Ads, sponsored collaborations and partnerships are making it harder and harder for us users, to trust and believe the credibility and transparency of the current social networks and the “influencers” out there.

It is important to mention here, that not every blogger who accepts collaborations can instantly become an influencer. The word influence itself, has a greater meaning. It is much more than posting a beautiful picture of a product, along with a cool caption below.
It is about real and high quality content.
For instance, a travel blogger shares an Instagram post to promote a gorgeous red Chanel lipstick, yet the next day, she posts an entire review about a lifestyle or health care product with a special promo code. The funniest thing about these posts is the pre-written, one-fits-all scenario and script, copied and pasted into the caption.

On the other hand, some real influencers have chosen to share real aspects of their lives with the public, who interacts and engages with them, because of their honesty and transparency. People follow them because they have taken a certain direction or path in the content they are creating.

Hence, Pinngle had the privilege to welcome such influencers in its channels, for the solemn reason that it made sure from the beginning to be selective, and grant exclusive channel access to exclusive content creators, social activists and other different types of bloggers.

Kayla Itsines Louise Ebel Pandora

Louise Ebel, also known as Miss Pandora, is the famous Parisian blogger who was able to beautifully combine her personal style and her love for art, by bringing back French art to life through her blog. She shares her posts with her audience by posting in both French and English languages on her Pinngle Channel.

Kayla Itsines Louise Ebel Pandora

Another Pinngle influencer is Kayla Itsines, the Greek/Australian fitness trainer, author, and entrepreneur. She constantly motivates her followers to stay fit by posting motivational quotes, answering their questions concerning fitness and what to eat, with a special style and sense of humor. You gotta love her once you see her Pinngle channel posts.

Many other influencers have joined Pinngle Channels recently, and one of the main surprising reasons is that they have found shelter, in an instant messaging app, that gathers real influencers looking for real followers and real engagement. And this is something rare to have these days.

Way to go Pinngle!!

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